Mountain WIT's Greatest Hits
Parks Canada's theatre troupe, Mountain WIT, celebrates its 20th season in Banff this year! Join them for a variety show of their most-loved interpretive sketches and songs.
One night only! Free with national park entry fee.
Wednesday, August 16 at 7:30 p.m. at the Raven's Nest Outdoor Theatre, Tunnel Mountain Campground, Village 1.
Raven's Nest is an outdoor theatre location. Please come prepared for the weather. Washrooms are available near the theatre. You do not need to be registered at the campground to attend the show. Take Roam transit Route 2 to Tunnel Mountain Village 2 turnaround and walk 30 minutes to Village 1, or ride your bike.
Event Overview
- One nigh only! August 16
- 7:30 - 8:15
- Banff
- Free Event