Parks Canada announces Bow Valley Parkway Cycling Experience Three-Year Pilot
What’s happening?
Parks Canada is launching a pilot program for cycling on the Bow Valley Parkway by limiting vehicles along the eastern 17 km of the road for seven days a week from May 1 to June 25, and from September 1 to September 30. During this time, vehicle access to Johnston Canyon's day-use area, trail, and campground will be maintained via the Castle Junction interchange on the TransCanada Highway.
Feedback heard during the recent public engagement on this pilot program, as well as operational requirements and park management considerations, informed the final decision to launch this three-year seasonal pilot project for an improved cycling experience on the Bow Valley Parkway.
Parks Canada has developed and will implement a comprehensive communications plan (including in-park communications and signage), as well as a monitoring plan to guide future planning and decisions.
What you need to know:
- This is a seasonal, three-year pilot program. Each spring and fall, from May 1 to June 25, and September 1 to 30, the Bow Valley Parkway Cycling Experience limits vehicles on a 17km section, from the TransCanada-Highway junction to Johnston Canyon. Regular vehicle access within the 17 km section of the parkway will resume once the cycling experience ends each spring and fall.
- Vehicle access to the Johnston Canyon trail and campground and the west section of the parkway remains available both year-round and during the pilot program, via the Castle Junction interchange on the TransCanada Highway.
- Cyclists are encouraged to start and end their journey in the Town of Banff by parking at the Train Station Public Parking Lot.
- A ‘What We Heard’ document has been prepared to summarize feedback received through the public and stakeholder engagement on the cycling pilot program. The document is now available here: https://www.pc.gc.ca/en/pn-np/ab/banff/info/gestion-management/cyclisme-cycling